National Accreditation Agency (NAA) is preparing for self-evaluation and an external review in compliance with the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)

In accordance with the ENQA membership criteria member agencies are required to undergo external reviews against the ESG. The review will be based on information provided in the self-assessment report (SAR) and an external assessment normally including a site visit. An expert panel organized and coordinated by the ENQA is composed of European independent reviewers.

The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

The communiqué of the Ministers of the Bologna Process signatory states invited ENQA to develop the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). The Russian Federation signed the Bologna Declaration and as other participating countries committed itself to establish the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In 2005 the ESG was developed and approved by the European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education and recommended for implementation in the national quality assurance systems. In 2015 a revised version of the ESG came out.

A key goal of the ESG is to contribute to the common understanding of quality assurance for learning and teaching across borders and among all stakeholders. The ESG are used by institutions and quality assurance agencies as a reference document for internal and external quality assurance systems in higher education. The ESG are not standards for quality, nor do they prescribe how the quality assurance processes are implemented, but they provide guidance, covering the areas which are vital for successful quality provision and learning environments in higher education. The term ‘quality assurance’ is used in this document to describe all activities within the continuous improvement cycle (i.e. assurance and enhancement activities).

The ESG have the following purposes:

 - They set a common framework for quality assurance systems for learning and teaching at European, national and institutional level;

 - They enable the assurance and improvement of quality of higher education in the European Higher Education Area;

 - They support mutual trust, thus facilitating recognition and mobility within and across national borders;

 - They provide information on quality assurance in the EHEA.

The ESG are based on the following principles:

 - Higher education institutions have primary responsibility for the quality of their provision and its assurance;

 - Quality assurance responds to the diversity of higher education systems, institutions, programmes and students;

 - Quality assurance supports the development of a quality culture;

 - Quality assurance takes into account the needs and expectations of students, all other stakeholders and society.

The document has been divided into three parts:

 - Internal quality assurance (part )

 - External quality assurance (part 2)

 - Quality assurance agencies  (part 3)

The three parts are intrinsically interlinked and together form the basis for a European quality assurance framework. External quality assurance in Part 2 recognises the standards for internal quality assurance in Part 1 thus ensuring that the internal work undertaken by institutions is directly relevant to any external quality assurance that they undergo. In the same way Part 3 refers to Part 2. Thus, these three parts work on a complementary basis in higher education institutions as well as in agencies and also work on the understanding that other stakeholders contribute to the framework. As a consequence, the three parts should be read as a whole.

Follow up report 

Membership of NAA in ENQA

Action Plan of prepapation for external reviews

Order № 14/OD


Self-Assessment Report

Final Report

Final Report


The Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FL “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. 1039 “On State Accreditation of Educational Activities”

The federal state educational standards of higher education – Bachelor in the field of training 09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering (FSES)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10.07.2013 No. 582 “On approval of the Rules for publishing and updating information on the educational organization’s official website in the information-telecommunication network “Internet”” (in Russian)

The order of Rosobrnadzor dated May 29, 2014 No. 785 “On approval of requirements for the structure of the official website of the educational organization in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” (in Russian)

Procedure for the work of the experts and/or representatives of the expert organizations included in the expert panel during external review (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 11, 2016 No. 1386)

Lists of documents and materials necessary for conducting external review with or without a site-visit to an organization engaged in educational activities or its branch were approved (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1385 dated November 9, 2016)

Forms of the external review report and conclusions of experts and (or) representatives of expert organizations, based on the external review results (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2017 No. 24)

On approval of application forms for conducting state accreditation of educational activities, on renewal of a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities and / or annexes (annexes) to it, on the issuance of a temporary certificate of state accreditation of educational activities, on the issuance of a duplicate of a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities and / or annexes (annexes) to it, a form of information on the implementation of basic study programs, declared for state accreditation, and requirements for their completion and registration" (the Rosobrnadzor’s order dated November 29, 2019 No. 1628 (in Russian)

The procedure for selecting experts and expert organizations for carrying out external review (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated of May 20, 2014 No. 556)

Qualification requirements to experts and expert organizations involved in accreditation reviews (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated of May 20, 2014 No. 556)

Methodological Recommendations for the organization and conduct of an internal independent assessment of the quality of education in educational organizations of higher education on the educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs and master's programs (Letter of the Ministry of education and science of February 15,2018, N 05-436)


NAA Statutes

Development Program (Strategy) for the medium term

Guidelines on the internal quality assurance

Methodological materials for assessing the compliance of the content and quality of students’ training with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (Methodological recommendations for conducting accreditation external review)



Report on the results of NAA's Activity for 2019

The culture of quality in higher education in Russia: traditions and innovations: collection of scholarly works of the National Accreditation Agency employees and experts in carrying out state accreditation of educational and scientific organizations (in Russian)


Stakeholders’ Feedbacks

Feedback from Susanna Karakhanyan, INQAAHE President

Feedback from David Atchoarena, the Director of the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning

Letter from the Association of Lawyers of Russia (in Russian)

Letter from the Association of societies and organizations “"National Accreditation Council of Business and Management Education” (in Russian)

Results of the survey of experts and educational organizations (in Russian)