Training of experts from the Medical League of Russia

NAA’s participation in the seminar "Week of Medical Education - 2022"

On April 6, 2022, the National Accreditation Agency together with LLC "Medical League of Russia" conducted a training seminar for experts "A new model for study programs accreditation: requirements, prospects, opportunities". The event was organized within the framework of the XIII All-Russian Conference with international participation "Week of Medical Education - 2022".

Lemka Izmaylova, NAA’s Director, Gennady Onishchenko, President of the “Medical League of Russia” opened the seminar. The event was moderated by Tatyana Litvinova, Chairman of the Expert Council of Medical League of Russia.

In her report Lemka Izmaylova told about the new model of state accreditation of educational activities, paying attention to the new regulatory framework for accreditation, licensing and control (supervision) procedures that has come into force. At the end of her speech, Ms Izmaylova thanked the experts from the Medical League of Russia for their high professionalism and deep interest in improving the quality of Russian medical education. In 2021, despite the colossal workload due to the difficult epidemiological situation, experts carried out the necessary work on the state accreditation procedure in a regular mode.

Tatiana Bibik, NAA’s Deputy Director, made a detailed presentation on the latest updates in the legal framework of the state accreditation procedure. From the speakers’ reports the seminar listeners learned about the procedure for conducting external review on accreditation indicators and the main legal requirements for accreditation monitoring.

At the end of the event, the participants thanked NAA’s specialists for the content and practical significance of the information provided.

For reference: The conference "Medical Education in Russia" has been held since 2010. During the event, topical issues of higher medical education are discussed; long-term plans for education and training of healthcare professionals are developed.