International Scientific and Practical Conference “National Concept of Quality: State and Public Protection of the Consumers’ Rights”

On October 1 - 2, 2018, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, with the support of the Committee on Science and the Higher School of the Government of St. Petersburg held a scientific and practical conference " National concept of quality: state and public protection of the consumers’ rights".

Scientific and practical conferences in the framework of the project "National concepts of quality" are held annually.

The conference aim is to highlight the best practices for the national concepts implementation in the sphere of quality management and the prospects for their development in the context of consumer’s right.

Lemka S. Izmaylova, NAA’s Director, took part in the conference with the report “State Accreditation of Educational Activities: Challenges and Prospects for Development”.

The conference was organized by:

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Organization of Quality,   Committee on Science and Higher Education, Committee on External Relations of St. Petersburg, Committee of State Financial Control of St.Petersburg, Committee of State Service and Personnel Policy of the St. Petersburg Government, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Federal Budgetary Institution “Test-St. Petersburg”, Stockholm School of Economics, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Baltic International Business School of Business-Meetings Industry”.