On enactment of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 14.12.2021 № 2284


Текст: On enactment of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 14.12.2021 № 2284


On January 1, 2022, the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2021 № 2284 “On Amendments to certain acts of the government of the Russian Federation on the extension of permits and other specifics in relation to licensing activities in 2022" entered into force.

State accreditation of study programs delivered by educational organizations, the validity of state accreditation certificates of which expires in the period from January 1 to March 1, 2022, is extended until March 1, 2022 inclusive.

A state body authorized to carry out state accreditation of educational activities in 2022 may decide to conduct all external reviews during state accreditation of study programs without a site visit using distance technologies and at the place of experts’ residence.

It has been established that, the federal executive body authorized to carry out normative legal regulation in the relevant field of activity takes one of the following decisions as to the forms of licensing activities:

- when, during the validity period of this resolution, comes the period for confirming the compliance of a legal entity, individual, individual entrepreneur with mandatory requirements providing for the renewal of a permit or periodic confirmation of compliance (competence), re-accreditation, re-examination, taking into account the specifics of the sphere of public relations in which the permit is valid, - the decision to postpone the timing of these procedures for a period of up to 12 months;

- certification of experts and expert organizations involved in external reviews of educational organizations (for experts and expert organizations whose certification period expires in 2021 and 2022) is extended by 12 months;

- the next confirmation of the compliance of a legal entity, individual, individual entrepreneur with the mandatory requirements providing for the renewal of a permit or periodic confirmation of compliance (competence), re-examination, is considered passed. In this case, the term for the next undergoing of the specified procedure is determined in accordance with the regulatory legal act, the permit is considered valid.

Link to the document.

Дата: 1/13/2022