NAA’s participation in ENQA General Assembly
ENQA’s General Assembly meeting was held in an online format on Thursday 22 April, 2021. NAA’s Director and leading specialists participated in the event.
During the meeting, the elections of Board members, President and Vice-Presidents took place. NAA’s representative was registered as a Board candidate. The ENQA’s financial report, updated Guidelines for ENQA Agency Reviews as well as the composition of the Agency Review Committee were approved.
During the General Assembly, it was officially announced about the extension of the full membership of the National Accreditation Agency (NAA).
For reference: The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was established with the aim of promoting and strengthening the quality of higher education in the countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) within the framework of the Bologna Process.
In March 2021, based on the results of NAA’s external review carried out in October 2020, the ENQA Board decided to confirm NAA’s membership in the association for the next five years. The ENQA Board concluded that NAA’s activities comply with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015), and thus meet ENQA’s membership criteria.