organizational, technical, information and analytical support of the external review procedure aimed at determining the compliance of the content and quality of students’ training in terms of the study programs declared for state accreditation with the federal state educational standards, including state accreditation of study programs;
organizational and technical support of the collection, processing and keeping of accounts and other documented information about the organizations subjected to external reviews; analysis of the data provided by educational organizations for the formation of external review assignments;
organizational, technical, information and analytical support of Rosobrnadzor in carrying out the activities on supervision (monitoring) in the sphere of education in respect of the organizations engaged in educational activities on state-accredited study programs;
monitoring of the Russian system of education to ensure the ongoing powers of Rosobrnadzor based on the analysis of the information published on official websites of educational organizations;
preparation of draft methodical and other documents on the issues related to the analysis of the content and quality of students’ training in educational organizations;
organizational support of Rosobrnadzor in implementing its powers related to the use of the interagency electronic interaction system;
participation in organizing and conducting conferences, seminars, webinars and other events in the sphere of education in the Russian Federation, participation in international conferences and seminars outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
implementation of measures aimed at improving the state accreditation procedure, including the development of models, technologies, software and methodological support;
participation in international activities on implementing the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in terms of the education quality assuranc.