Webinar on new requirements for the information posted on the educational organization’s website was held

On February 17, 2021 the webinar devoted to the requirements for the information posted on the educational organization’s web-site was held.

On February 17, 2021 NAA’s specialists conducted the webinar devoted to the requirements for the structure and information posted on the educational organization’s official web-site.

The webinar was aimed at informing educational organizations as well as specialists responsible for maintaining the web sites on the procedure for implementing the requirements for the educational organizations’ official websites.

The NAA’s leading specialists made the reports on the legislative requirements set to the structure and content of the educational organization’s official website; requirements to the format of the information posted on it as well as the use of this information during state accreditation of education activities.

The participants were informed about typical violations and shortcomings in the structure and content of the information posted on the educational organization’s official website; summarized analysis on the compatibility of the html-markup used on HEIs’ official websites to the updated methodological recommendations in compliance with the legal requirements for 2020.

In concluding NAA’s specialists responded to the questions raised by the webinar participants.