Church-Wide Methodological Seminar

On April 9, 2019, a church-wide methodological seminar was held at the site of the Kolomna Spiritual Seminary, the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The event was devoted to state accreditation of study programs delivered in the religious educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Bishop Konstantin Zaraisky and Archpriest Mikhail Vakhrushev, the Rector of the Kolomna Spiritual Seminary and the First Deputy Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, delivered a welcoming speech to the seminar’s participants.

Tatyana K. Bibik, NAA’s Head of the Department of Innovative Development, opened the seminar with the report “The methodology of external review of basic study programs”.

The seminar was attended by Rosobrnadzor’s experts, vice-rectors of the Moscow Spiritual Academy and the Kolomna Spiritual Seminary, as well as the Deputy Head of the Kolomna-city Department of Social Protection.