4 October 2017 – meeting of the Accreditation Commission of the Federal Service of Supervision in Education and Science

NAA conducted an examination for expert candidates. 

Certification of experts is conducted in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2014 № 556 “On approval of qualification requirements to experts, the requirements to expert organizations, the procedure for their certification, including the rules of maintaining the Register of experts and expert organizations, the procedure of selection of experts and expert organizations for carrying out external review”.

The meetings of the Accreditation Commission of Rosobrnadzor are held at least once a month. The event is open for everyone who meets the qualification requirements to experts and expert organizations and those who submit an application and the attached package of documents in the prescribed manner.

Today over 25 candidates has undergone e-testing and an interview to establish the powers of experts and expert organizations.

During the meeting, it was recommended to grant the All-Russian Public Organization “Medical League of Russia” the powers of an expert organization for carrying out external review of educational organizations.